New Year new me?

I hear this phrase without a doubt every single year. Why is new year such a big deal? It’s just another day in the calendar. Another day to go about your life. I personally felt more motivated back in December to achieve my fitness goals than I do now, but whatever motivates people so be it! The only benefit of the new year is the … Continue reading New Year new me?

Dear Body, Thank You

  Dear body, thank you. Thank you for all the shit I’ve put you through. All the times I hurt you. I hated you. I broke you. Thank you for pulling through. For holding my head high when it felt lower than low. I abused you. Hated you. Wanted you to change. I made you sick and broken for my own selfish need. I didn’t … Continue reading Dear Body, Thank You

Living my best ish life

Living with your best mates seems like the best of ideas. Until you actually do it. I like to consider myself quite a patient person. Except I recently found out I am really not. I can tell you now that I live with some characters. Quick fire question, how many kilos of cheese does one human being need. My house mate seems to think 5kgs … Continue reading Living my best ish life